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Home/reddit/World News/Brazil's President-Elect Seeks to Introduce Draconian Drug Policies - - Bolsonaro calls for extrajudicial killing of trafficking suspects, praises Duterte's drug war, says marijuana legaliastion benefits rapists, and military should enforce drug law in schools
Brazil's President-Elect Seeks to Introduce Draconian Drug Policies - - Bolsonaro calls for extrajudicial killing of trafficking suspects, praises Duterte's drug war, says marijuana legaliastion benefits rapists, and military should enforce drug law in schools
Brazil's President-Elect Seeks to Introduce Draconian Drug Policies - - Bolsonaro calls for extrajudicial killing of trafficking suspects, praises Duterte's drug war, says marijuana legaliastion benefits rapists, and military should enforce drug law in schools
Reviewed by Unknown
October 30, 2018
Rating: 5
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